Company House director check
ELV licence check
Business address check
3rd Party review site research
Social media research
Trading history on other sites ie, Ebay
Phone interview with PartsGateway
This part is pre-owned and comes with a 90 Days90 Days warranty. This seller offers a 30 day returns policy.
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{{ item.FirstName}} {{ item.Surname }} - ({{item.Closed | date: date:'d/M/y' }})
Purchased: {{ item.FirstPartName }}
Dealer Response: {{ item.DealerReply }}
{{ item.CommentText }}
{{item.CommentingUser}} {{item.time | date: date:'d/M/y' }}
Purchased: {{ item.ItemTitle }} not available
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The Delivery on this order is typically 3 Working Days
The Delivery on this order is Collection Only
WarrantyThe Warranty on this item is 90 Days90 Days. See Conditions Below.
Terms & ConditionsConditions/ Returns:
* Parts purchased will comply with the Sale & Supply of Goods Act 1994 and be of Satisfactory Quality unless specified at the time of sale
* Parts will carry a minimum guarantee of 30 days and only parts shown on your invoice/ receipt are covered by the guarantee/ warranty
If any part supplied by ourselves proves to be faulty during this period, it may be returned to us for an exchange. If no exchange is available within 48 hours a refund will be given
* Any part(s) correctly supplied by us and no longer required by the customer will need to be returned by the customer.
* Engines: Customers must state if ancillaries are required. If request has been made, stating complete engine wanted, this means head, block and sump, it does not mean with ancillaries as these may be sold separately, any ancillaries left on the engine e.g water pump, cam belt (we always recommend the fitting of a new cam belt) are given free of charge and are not covered by this guarantee
* This guarantee is void if any part supplied has been tampered with in any way i.e. seal broken, taken apart etc. Please note all parts supplied, are marked with our company stamp/ initials, removal of these marks will invalidate your guarantee/ warranty
* No parts may be altered, modified or dismantled in anyway (except for routine service adjustment) without our permission. Failure to comply with these terms will invalidate your guarantee/ warranty
* Our Guarantee covers parts only
It does not cover any labour charges or any fault arising from the fitting of the part.
We will refund the price of the part in full, but will not pay for any fitting charges. It is your responsibility to check that any part(s) supplied is correct prior to fitting
In the event that a part is supplied as ordered but the customer had ordered incorrectly, we must be contacted immediately and the part returned to us within 7 days of purchase at the cost of the customer
Refunds will only be made upon the return of the goods to our premises
* All engines purchased must be fitted with a new timing belt/cam belt/ chain and filled with new oil upon installation. Failure to follow this procedure will result in the guarantee/ warranty being rendered null and void
* Gearboxes must be filled with new oil upon installation. Failure to follow this procedure will result in the guarantee/ warranty being rendered null and void
* By accessing this website and/ or placing an order, you agree to be bound by these terms & conditions
Title to the goods shall remain with us until paid in full with cleared funds.
Bentley Moor Lane,
Mon - Fri 08:30 - 17:30
Sat 09:00 - 13:00
Sun & Bank Hols CLOSED - CLOSED
Latest Reviews For SYNETIQ
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{{ item.PoorTellUsMore }}
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{{ item.FirstName}} {{ item.Surname }} - ({{item.Closed | date: date:'d/M/y' }})
Purchased: {{ item.FirstPartName }}
{{ item.CommentText }}
{{item.CommentingUser}} {{item.time | date: date:'d/M/y' }}
Purchased: {{ item.ItemTitle }} not available
Returns Summary