Company House director check
ELV licence check
Business address check
3rd Party review site research
Social media research
Trading history on other sites ie, Ebay
Phone interview with PartsGateway
This part is pre-owned and comes with a 30 Days12 Months warranty. This seller offers a 30 day returns policy.
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{{ item.PoorFeedback }}
{{ item.FirstName}} {{ item.Surname }} - ({{item.Closed | date: date:'d/M/y' }})
Purchased: {{ item.FirstPartName }}
Dealer Response: {{ item.DealerReply }}
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{{item.CommentingUser}} {{item.time | date: date:'d/M/y' }}
Purchased: {{ item.ItemTitle }} not available
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The Delivery on this order is typically Next Working Day
The Delivery on this order is Collection Only
WarrantyThe Warranty on this item is 30 Days12 Months. See Conditions Below.
Terms & ConditionsTerms of Sale
1. All engines bought must be filled with new oil and new timing belt.
2. We only supply bare engines (head, block & sump)
3. Any ancillaries left on engine (water pump for an example) are not covered by warranty
4. All gearboxes bought must be filled with new oil.
5. No refund will be given for parts bought in error (You must be sure it is the correct part you need)
6. No refund will be given for electornic modules as an external fault may cause our unit to fail.
7. Faulty or damaged items must be returned to us within 30 days after recieving. Therefore we will check for our markings (to make sure it is supplied by us) and issue a full refund.
Unit 1A, The Mill Walk
Northfield, Birmingham
B31 4HL
Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
Sun & Bank Hols CLOSED - CLOSED
Latest Reviews For The Mill Walk Garage
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{{ item.FeedbackExtra }}
{{ item.PoorTellUsMore }}
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{{ item.FirstName}} {{ item.Surname }} - ({{item.Closed | date: date:'d/M/y' }})
Purchased: {{ item.FirstPartName }}
{{ item.CommentText }}
{{item.CommentingUser}} {{item.time | date: date:'d/M/y' }}
Purchased: {{ item.ItemTitle }} not available
Returns Summary